Thursday, January 26, 2023

George Pinkney

Played in the big leagues for parts of 10 seasons with four teams, including Brooklyn from 1885 to 1891.

Did you know? Played in a major league record (since broken) 577 consecutive games and 5,152 consecutive innings, starting on September 21, 1895 and ending on April 30, 1890 ... Went 6-for-6 in game against Philadelphia on June 26, 1895.

Post-game: Worked as a railroad auditor in PEORIA, IL ... died on November 10, 1926 at age 67.

Sources: Baseball-Reference; Baseball;, accessed 1/26/2023; Boston Globe, 5/2/1890; Brooklyn Citizen, 5/3/1890; New York Times, 5/2/1890; Reading Times, 11/12/1926.

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