Monday, January 16, 2023

Jack Bolling

Played in the big leagues for the Phillies in 1939 and the Dodgers in 1944.

Did you know? Served in the US Army during WWII, missing the entire 1945 season ... his nephews, Milt and Frank, played in the big leagues.

Post-game: Owned and operated a real estate and insurance company in Mobile, AL, and thereafter in 1951 reenlisted in the US Army, where he fought in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and was discharged in 1968 after rising to the rank of sergeant ... died on April 13, 1998 at the age of 81.

Sources: Baseball Reference;; Mobile Journal, 9/10/1948, 3/31/1950; Selma Times-Journal, 6/12/1949. 

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