Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Tom Lovett

Career: Played in the big leagues for parts of six seasons with three teams, including Brooklyn from 1889 to 1891 and 1893.

Did you know? Was the first Brooklyn pitcher to hurl a National League no-hitter, accomplishing the feat against the Giants on June 22, 1891 ... held out the entire 1892 season after winning 70 games in three seasons, including 30 in 1890.

Post-game: Worked as a liquor dealer and later as a cigar salesman ... died on March 19, 1928 at age 64.

Sources: Baseball-Reference;;, accessed 1/25/2023; Boston Globe, 3/27/1895; Brooklyn Eagle, 3/20/1928, 2/28/1929, 6/14/1942; Los Angeles Evening Express, 3/21/1928.

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