Friday, January 20, 2023

Al Burch

 Played in the big leagues for parts of six seasons with the Cardinals (1906-07) and Brooklyn (1907-11).

Did you know? Finished the 1909 season with more steals (38) than RBI (30).

Post-game: Worked for and played baseball with the Juniata Locomotive Shop, then moved back to Brooklyn and played with the famed semi-pro baseball with the Brooklyn Bushwicks and worked for a local Swedish steel company ... died of a heat attack on October 5, 1926, two days prior to his 43rd birthday.

Sources: Baseball-Reference; Altoona Tribune, 10/6/1926, Brooklyn Citizen, 10/6/1926; Brooklyn Standard Union, 3/24/1919, 4/3/1920; Brooklyn Times Union, 3/28/1921; The Indianapolis Times, 10/6/1926. 

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