Sunday, January 15, 2023

Gus Getz

Played in the big leagues for parts of seven seasons with five teams, including Brooklyn (1914-16).

Did you know? Grounded out as a pinch-hitter in his lone at bat of the 1916 World Series against the Red Sox ... played on the winning end of the only "double no-hitter" game in major league history, on May 2, 1917.

Post-game: Managed and umpired in the minor leagues, worked as a full-time stock clerk at a department store, and later became a construction worker and a union shop steward ... died on May 29, 1969 at age 79 after suffering a ruptured abdominal aneurysm.

Sources: Baseball Reference; SABR Bio; Red Bank Daily Register, 6/2/1969.

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