Monday, January 23, 2023

Pop Corkhill

Career: Played in the big leagues for parts of 10 seasons with four teams, including Brooklyn from 1888 to 1890.

Did you know? Considered one of the best defensive outfielders of the 19th Century ... led outfielders in fielding percentage five times and in assists once ... credited with pioneering the head-first slide in 1887 ... victim of ugly 1891 beaning that some speculated contributed to his decline and retirement the following season.

Post-game: Owned and operated a grocery business, served as the Chief of Police of Stockton, NJ, and thereafter owned and operated a couple of furniture stores and later a storage business ... died on April 3, 1921, one week prior to his 63rd birthday ... was inducted into the Chester County Sports HOF in 2018.

Sources: Baseball-Reference; SABR Bio;, accessed 1/27/2023; Brooklyn Eagle, 9/24/1888; Camden Courier-Post, 3/25/1897; New York Times, 4/7/1921; Philadelphia Inquirer, 2/2/1896; Pittsburgh Dispatch, 9/30/1891;, accessed 1/27/2023.

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